Die Rückseite meines Geistes
The back of my mind
Le fond de ma pensée
Erholungshaus Leverkusen
18.02 - 17.06.2018
11 am - 5 pm
saturday - sunday - holidays
Performance speech (film still), Erholungshaus Leverkusen, february 2018
Who are we
What do we say
What did we actually want to say
Die Rückseite meines Geistes
The back of my mind
Le fond de ma pensée
Erholungshaus Leverkusen
18.02 - 17.06.2018
11 am - 5 pm
saturday - sunday - holidays
Performance speech (film still), Erholungshaus Leverkusen, february 2018
Who are we
What do we say
What did we actually want to say